Adults BJJ
At Black Flag we recognize that everyone trains for their own unique motivations. We believe that no matter what you're facing in life BJJ can better equip you to deal with it. From anxiety and depression to everyday stress, better physical health, or the peace of mind to know you can defend yourself and/or your loved ones, whatever your reasons, BJJ is a great option for you.

Adults Fundamentals
This coed class is intended to teach basic BJJ concepts for beginners through expert level practitioners. In this hour long class, we teach proper warm up, stretching, conditioning, movements and techniques. This class tends to be self-defense oriented with a mix of competition style technique. This is a perfect class for anyone, regardless of experience.
Advanced BJJ
This is a class focused on intricate competition style technique. This program is for the competition minded student and for higher belts looking to advance their understanding of the art of Jiu-Jitsu. Flow development, submission recognition, strategy, and body position are all taught through this class period.
Family Focused Training
At BFBJJ we believe that if we can make a positive impact for one family, that family can be the change for their neighborhood and community, and if we can impact a community we can change the world. For this reason if you and your children train with us, you will always be the one to promote them under our direction. We want to strengthen familial bonds and reinforce the nuclear family model as the most product existence the modern world knows.